my story
diversified experience
My professional career as an Architect spans forty five years with emphasis in recent years focused on museum and cultural institution store design and planning with a broad range of scope and geographical locations.
Recent retail projects include three for the State Preservation Board in Austin Texas: a new store in the State Capitol building, a second new store at the Bullock Texas State History Museum and planning work for the State Capitol Visitor’s Center and an all new store for the Ravinia Festival in Highland Park IL, just north of Chicago.
My broader, more general museum experience stretches back as far as my architectural thesis at university and professionally includes being Project Architect for the Baltimore Museum of Art’s 36,000 s.f., $16 million Addition for Contemporary Art and the museum’s administrative operations. I was also very privileged to have been a member of the team involved in the design and development of the Sainsbury Wing of the National Gallery in London.

I also focus my enthusiasm for museums locally by having been an active member of the Mercer Museum and Fonthill Castle Board of Trustees for two six year terms years, a member of the Mercer Collections Committee and acting as past Chairman of the Governance Committee. During Henry Mercer’s Fonthill Castle’s centennial year, I organized and presented the program “Expression and Experimentation: The Building of Fonthill”. Previously, I sat on the Historical Society of Pennsylvania’s Building and Facilities Committee and was a member of the 50th Anniversary Advisory Council for the Pennsylvania Ballet.

I also am amember of the American Alliance of Museums, the California Association of Museums, Texas Association of Museums and regularly attend the International Museum Construction Congress. As member of the Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums, I have been a speaker on the topic of museum retail planning strategies and was been invited to co-present a session on the topic of the design of museum retail at the 2013 AAM National Conference in Baltimore Maryland, as well as at the 2014 MAAM Conference in Miami, Florida.
My experience beyond cultural clients consists of varied and diversified projects including corporate clients, K-12 educational projects and higher education projects including ones at Dartmouth College, the University of Pennsylvania and at U.C.L.A. Other project types I’ve done include major residence renovations, community centers, high-rise residential and mass transit projects.